Expo Push Server 500 Error

Expo Push Server

I got text from my boss “Our App isn’t working now plz check ASAP” I opened vscode and saw 500 response from Expo push server I didn’t know what to do so first I commented out every functions for notification and built again then Finnally I was working again

for Next time same issue, I’m writting down What I did good job for handling a issue and What I didn’t bad job

Good things 👍🏻

  1. I changed the issue code immediately when I found it
  2. I notified my coworkers and boss about this issue and how I would handle it
  3. I joined expo community and got solution about this issue
  4. asap I fixed this issue

Bad things 👎🏻

  1. I couldn’t reply to my boss text immediately, It was my first issue from 3rd party library so in my brain was disordered

As junior developer I think I did good job to handle this issue becuase It didn’t take long to solve this issue