First Dart

This is my first dart

I’m a React Native developer and as cross platform developer I was curios about React Native vs Flutter for a long time. Unfortunally, I didn’t have much time for learning Dart and Flutter. so I just searched Finnally I just start to learn Dart.

In the very first time, I got shocked Google is crazy company. Cause React Native is based on JS so They can’t fix JS code or engine for optimazed This is pretty horrible. but Dart is made by Google. Their money power is such a powerful They made programming language for a platform!! This is money power!

Those are the strength list as React Native developer.

👍🏻 Dart has two type of compiler

  • Native platform: For apps targeting mobile and desktop devices, Dart includes both a Dart VM with just-in-time (JIT) compilation and an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler for producing machine code.
  • Web platform: For apps targeting the web, Dart can compile for development or production purposes. Its web compiler translates Dart into JavaScript.

(They’re optimazed each platform and Multi platform!) compiler

👍🏻 Just In Time (Dart VM)

When I’m coding Dart is showing me result immediately! cause Dart VM offers JIT compiler. and If I fix a line of code it’s okay, Dart offers hot reload. but VM is not fast so Dart offers Ahead Of Time compiler. This compiler can compile to native ARM or x64 machine code. It means any paltform no matter

👍🏻 Null safety

I made some apps with React Native sometimes JS and TS whichever Those lans make null error a lot. I think most app issues are that refers null val. so Dart is pretty good for this cause It can avoid this criticul issue

so I will start to learn Hello Dart world!

  void main() {
    print('hello Dart world!');